Short Review On IKIGAI:- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life.

2 min readMay 27, 2021


The book ‘Ikigai’ is written by Francesc Miralles and Hector Gar. Originally published in April 2016. It has a 4.2/5 rating on Flipkart and a 3.9/5 on Goodreads. The genre of this book is Self-Helf.

Ikigai is described as ‘the art of living.’ It’s a ancient Japanese concept. People in Japan have been practicing this since 1900. Ikigai was first popularised by Meiko Kamiya in her book ‘On the Meaning of Life,’ which was published in 1966. After the publish of ‘IKIGAI:- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life,’ Ikigai was popularised to the international level.

Ikigai- As a Concept.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept which refers to having a direction or purpose in life. It can also mean providing fulfillment in life. Ikigai is a combination of two words- ‘Iki’- to live and ‘Gai’- reason. So basically Ikigai means ‘finding a reason to live.’


This book talks a lot about Health related issues. There are many tips and tricks for health enthusiast. This book can get quite repetitive at times. The author talks a lot about how people have achieved longevity. There is a lot of theoritical and practical knowledge. The use of language is simple.

If you think the book will help you find your purpose in life then you are wrong. When people talk about Ikigai they always think it will help you find your ‘dream career’ or ‘life’s purpose.’ But in reality, the book rarely talks about it. This book is for the people who are want to ‘live long.’

You will read about blue zone areas. longevity, Okinawa, Ichigo Ichie, etc. You will dive into a new culture and will get insights in the daily life of people who practice Ikigai daily.

Thank you for reading my blog. Hope you liked it.

